Where to launch your startup

Where to launch your startup Do you wanna launch grandiosely your startup? Get a list of platforms where people can discover your project and can push your project directly to the sky.

Email campaign improving my SaaS convertion - Manager Flota

Email campaign improving my SaaS convertion - Manager Flota Users subscribe to your SaaS, but don't let the money on your table. Here's how I do it!

Exploring Romania's Vibrant Startup Ecosystem - Startup List

Exploring Romania's Vibrant Startup Ecosystem - Startup List Romania, a hidden gem in Eastern Europe, has become a thriving hub for innovation and entrepreneurship.

Get official stats resources

Get official stats resources This is a short lists of stats made be trusted institution or authorities or business inteligence companies.

Why I ruined a collaboration

Why I ruined a collaboration I ruined a collaboration at my agency Cmevo Digital to stay away from a bad client.