Tips and Tricks for Streamlining Your Workflow

How to setup Docker with static HTML file

How to setup Docker with static HTML file Are you ready to launch your static website with HTML, Docker and NginxProxyManager. Check this out and do it yourself pretty easy.

Loop over directories in bash and execute commands

Loop over directories in bash and execute commands How to loop over directories in bash and execute multiple commands

Git clone private repo in docker

Git clone private repo in docker A simple how to guide to use git clone of a private repository inside docker container. With vuejs / nodejs app.

How to check DNS propagation

How to check DNS propagation How to check DNS propagation? Did you changed the DNS records recently and now is not working? Stop crying and check the DNS propagation.

How to install rabbitmq-server and erlang in Linux

How to install rabbitmq-server and erlang in Linux How to install rabbitmq-server and erlang in Amazon Linux 2, full tutorial to setup and manage rabbitmq channels and queues.

How to auto-restart Mongodb in Linux AMI or Ubuntu

How to auto-restart Mongodb in Linux AMI or Ubuntu How to auto-restart Mongodb in Linux AMI or Ubuntu in case of crash whenever mongod daemon gets killed, it will get respawned by systemctl.

Connect localhost to the internet

Connect localhost to the internet How to connect your localhost to the internet using a third party tool for development. Just drop an eye here simple, clean, fast solutions only.

Update Nginx version on AMI Linux

Update Nginx version on AMI Linux Let's update the Nginx version on AMI Linux in few steps. I'll show you how to do it, crash the server and fix it back.

Setup 2way ssl authentication (mutual authentication) with Nginx

Setup 2way ssl authentication (mutual authentication) with Nginx This article presents you a simple way of configuring 2 way ssl or mutual authentication between two servers with Nginx.

How to Setup Nginx with Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 20.04

How to Setup Nginx with Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 20.04 This tutorial describes how to setup a free SSL certificate issued by Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server running Nginx.

Devops resources

Devops resources This article is a journal about the best resources that I've read about devops. I update constantly the list, so stay ahead and follow me.

Asymmetric encryption (Public-key cryptography) with Node.js

Asymmetric encryption (Public-key cryptography) with Node.js In an asymmetric key encryption scheme, anyone can encrypt messages using a public key, but only the holder of the paired private key can decrypt such a message. The security of the system depends on the secrecy of the private key, which must not become known to any other.

Nginx configuration example for NodeJS app

Nginx configuration example for NodeJS app Use this NGINX configuration example for NodeJS app, running on port 8000. The server has an SSL from Certbot installed.

Wordpress Dockerfile

Wordpress Dockerfile is an example that shows you how to use docker with MySQL database, Phpmyadmin and Wordpress

Change Heap Size for Elastic Search

Change Heap Size for Elastic Search There are two ways to change the heap size in Elasticsearch. The easiest is to set an environment variable called ES_HEAP_SIZE.

Install MongoDB on Ubuntu 20.04

Install MongoDB on Ubuntu 20.04 A guide step by step about how to Install MongoDB on Ubuntu 20.04. This is just a short note, so it won't take long.

Dump MongoDB daily and upload on S3 with AWS CLI

Dump MongoDB daily and upload on S3 with AWS CLI Step by step guide about how you can backup daily MongoDB using AWS CLI on Ubuntu OS. Discover the way I like to handle this job simple and clean.

How to add Swap space on Ubuntu

How to add Swap space on Ubuntu Swap uses hard disk space memory (swap space) to store information from RAM and release some space from RAM.

Access EC2 without pem file with with username and password

Access EC2 without pem file with with username and password Sometimes you need to grant permissions to someone else and maybe you don’t want to share the .pem file.

Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads

Unable to create directory wp-content/uploads This may indicate a permissions problem with your WordPress uploads directory. Firstly please make sure that you have the right permissions on /uploads folder.

How to zip or unzip files in Ubuntu

How to zip or unzip files in Ubuntu Zip or unzip files in Ubuntu, simple steps that you can reproduce. Find a simple way to handle zip files in Linux

How to setup LEMP stack for Wordpress

How to setup LEMP stack for Wordpress In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to install and secure a LEMP server on Ubuntu or Debian. I used the following software versions, but most versions will be okay to use: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Nginx 1.14.0, MariaDB 15.1, PHP 7.2

The easiest way to update Jenkins

The easiest way to update Jenkins I’ll show you the easiest way to update Jenkins. Not all of us are Devops daily, but sometimes we face this situation so show the next two commands and have fun.

How to serve a JavaScript build with Apache

How to serve a JavaScript build with Apache To serve a JavaScript build with Apache is a very simple task and today I want to present you a very simple way of achieving that.

How to install OSRM backend on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS

How to install OSRM backend on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS How to install OSRM backend on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS. Configure OSRM, grant permissions, and configure Nginx to expose the APIs

Install Nginx on Linux with ssl certificate

Install Nginx on Linux with ssl certificate. Because all you need is already in place on Digital Ocean, I’ll just attach you some useful materials

How to flush cache in Linux

Check the cache in Linux, Flush cache in linux, Clear the cache memory and discover how to automate this with a cronjob

How to back-up Postgres database on Linux using cronjob

How to back-up Postgres database on Linux using cronjob Learn how to backup Postgres database on Linux, using cronjobs. Very simple and very straight forward guide step by step using only scripts.

Generate SSH key and add it to the ssh-agent

Generate SSH key and add it to the ssh-agent. Simple guide to handle ssh keys on your own computer and use the key with ssh-agent.

Create systemd service - daemon (Ubuntu 15+)

Create systemd service - daemon (Ubuntu 15+). Discover how to create daemons step by step, with examples and real examples.