Nodejs frameworks comparison for Web Apps in 2022

Nodejs frameworks comparison for Web Apps in 2022

Searching a fast solution to create an MVP, I start looking into Nodejs frameworks comparison. I’m looking for a similar solution to Django (python), which has a lot of built-in packages and with a big extensability and integrations. I found a good article that compares the Nodejs frameworks 12 Best Nodejs Frameworks for Web Apps in 2022], but I was eager to see myself. Start looking…

What I found useful are described below:

1. total.js

Looks very solid and easy to build with. But seems that architecture is chaotic at first.

2. nestjs

A complete framework with rebuild components for plug and play. Comes with built-in features like ORM, request validation, caching, Queues, Loggers, compression. Has an authentication system implemented based on Passport that permits social login, or with JWT. Besides, it has an authorization system that allows role definitions very simple. It has built-in integration with Graphql, WebSockets. The best part is the microservice architecture support for multiple transport layers. It supports OpenPI and generates a Swagger file.

But what I think is really cool about Nest is that has CRUD generators, just type a command it creates a complete CRUD (ex: nest g resource).

Searching for an admin panel for Nest I found NestJs Admin, but the project looks dead, not maintained. Yeah, I searched for more info about this admin, has in mind the same architecture as Django. Previously I mentioned Adminbro, they have integration with Nestjs, but custom components are written in React.

I found a medium article where is described how to integrate Nestjs with adminlte3, looks good and pretty simple. Need to look more into this.

3. express admin

Looks promising.

4. adminbro

Is very simple and has a lot of built-in components. Works great with ExpressJs.

5. adonisjs

A complete framework with rebuild components for plug and play. I like it and have a very well-structured example here. Has a router, request validation, auth, social auth, ORM, migrations, permission policy, internalization, logger, and server-side rendering engine. They created a repository for official packages supported for the biggest integration: Redis, JWT, Swagger, etc. They documented an example for tests with Adonisjs. Another integration that I found is with Vuejs, using server-side rendering, boilerplate example.

6. foalts

7. redwoodjs


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